12-15 main page banner of young teen with speech bubble saying welcome

Support for young people

Adolescence is the period in our life of changes within our body and brain which prepares us for the move into adulthood. It is a time of joy, learning and opportunities which Dr. Daniel Siegel, child psychiatrist, describes it in few words as EsSeNCe (emotional spark, social engagement, novelty and creative exploration.

Many young people grow up to have a healthy mind so they are overcoming stress, sudden changes, emotional events, etcetera. However in the last years emotional and mental health problems among adolescents and young adults have been on the rise. Some of these include anxiety, low mood and stress.  Sleeping is another major problem reported by young people in the last years.

Have you been seen by CAMHS?

If you are, or have been a CAMHS patient what advice would you give to someone starting their journey? Do you have any tips or any words of wisdom? 

Knowing you are not alone can help with recovery so send us your tips, advice or thoughts at whcnhs.communityengagement@nhs.net  and help others today. 

All emails will be treated annoymously, confidentially and only used for the CAMHS website and marketing materials.