Signposting Resources

There is a range of signposting resources available for children, young people and families. 

Please note that not all of the services listed have been vetted by CAMHS, and all the information below is for general information purposes only.

Finding health information online

Finding health information online can be difficult. Not everything is trustworthy, accurate, reliable, or up to date and not all information on the internet follows the same good practice.

If you are unsure about any of the information you read or would like help in finding information that meets the standard, please talk to the worker you see in CAMHS for advice. They will often have websites they can recommend to you. More guidance on finding information online can be found on the NHS England website.(

Local Signposting Resources for Children, Young People and Families

Crisis Team

If you are already being supported by Mental Health Services in Herefordshire or Worcestershire, you should try and speak to your usual team before contacting the urgent helpline, unless it’s outside of core hours, a weekend or bank holiday.

If you are not currently in contact with any mental health services, you can phone the mental health helpline for urgent advice.

  • Helpline: 0808 196 9127 (free phone 24 hours a day and 365 days a year)

The team will offer advice, support and, if required, an assessment to understand how you are feeling. When calling the number, you can expect to speak to Mental Health Advisors and/or trained Mental Health Clinicians who will be able to listen to your concerns and help make appropriate plans with you to support you.

Use NHS111 or phone NHS 111 if you need urgent help for your mental health, but it’s not an emergency - for example, if you need medication or a prescription and you're unable to contact your GP.

Resilient Minds

Resilient Minds Counselling Serviceis part of the Droitwich Wellbeing Hub. Our qualified and student counsellors are highly trained to provide counselling to children, young people and adults working in accordance with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy’s ethical framework. Referrals can be made for children, young people and adult counselling sessions for anyone from the local community who is destressed, stressed, depressed, anxious, suffering from relationship problems, experiencing parenting issues, is bereaved or suffering from low self-esteem. This is not an extensive list but offers an indication of the problems we are able to support, allowing service users to explore their thoughts, feelings and behaviour in our safe and nurturing counselling rooms.


ChatHealth offers support to young people aged 11-19 with questions relating to a wide range of health and wellbeing issues including: relationships, bullying, healthy lifestyle, anxiety, drugs, smoking, stress, body worries, alcohol, self-harm and sexual health.  

  • Text: 07507331750 (Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm)


Headgym offers one to one personal development sessions helping anyone from ages 13 onwards with a range of mental health issues, confidence, low self-esteem. Headgym provides coaching sessions to help you set goals, giving you techniques and strategies so you can stride towards these ambitions. Headgym  also has excellent Wellbeing at Work courses for groups and organisations with amazing results. We offer online & face to face appointments at The Old Needleworks in Redditch.  

Mentor Link

Mentor Link is a registered charity dedicated to providing social and emotional support to distressed children and young people by providing them with a volunteer mentor. Using Safer Recruiting techniques, fully trained adults will offer listening support and guidance to these young people during difficulties in their lives, which may include self-harm, bullying, traumatic bereavement and family breakdown.

The Old Needleworks

The Old Needleworks are a hub of wellbeing offering Mental Health and Wellbeing guidance in the heart of Redditch in Worcestershire. As part of our wellbeing service, we have wellbeing coaches who provide 121 talking therapy and support groups for people of all ages. This service has been running successfully for many years and has supported many people to turn their lives around, making lasting changes and setting exciting goals for their future.

Fusion Youth Group

Youth Group for young people with additional needs from 13 to 25 years old. Youth club activities are run but with additional support. Young people do not need a diagnosis but need to have an additional need - this could be social anxiety, mental health needs or special educational needs and/or disabilities. Cost of £1 per session.

Autism/Complex Communication Needs (CCN)

The Autism and Complex Communication Needs team are qualified specialist teachers and specialist practitioners with vast experience of addressing the needs of autistic children and young people from early years to higher education. The team supports teachers and education professionals to meet the individual teaching, learning and wellbeing needs of autistic students in their educational setting.

Autism West Midlands - post diagnostic support age 14-18  Pilot

Autism West Midlands are currently offering a pilot project running from May 2022 to January 2023 providing post diagnostic support packages for YP in the form of 1 to 1 support sessions for the young person or parent (or joint sessions), an eight week support programme for young people “Autism Confident” and webinars for parent/carers on topics such as understanding autism, anxiety and coping strategies, autism and puberty, sensory differences, transitions/change, self-image and confidence. Criteria are that diagnosis has been received since January 2022.

All support is delivered online via Zoom/Microsoft Teams or by phone or email.

CAMHS clinicians must refer (not self-referral, GP cannot refer, YP does not need to be under CAMHS), complete the referral form in SIGNPOSTING folder and email to:

Daisy Chain Project

Daisy Chain Project provide a range of support services to children and adults affected by autism, either with a diagnosis or who are undergoing the diagnostic process, their parents/carers and their siblings living in a TS or DL postcode area.

Equine Learning

Equine Learning has been offering therapeutic horsemanship sessions and horse riding in South Warwickshire since 2008. We offer horse riding and therapeutic horsemanship to people in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick, Redditch, Leamington Spa, Henley-in-Arden, Solihull and all the surrounding areas. We work with schools, care providers, Local Authority departments and individuals to offer our inclusive lessons, sessions, camps and educational programmes to mainstream and disabled and disadvantaged adults, children and young people.

We specialise in working with young people with Autism, however we work with a wide range of people with our horses, including, but not limited to, people with learning difficulties, sensory impairments, emotional & behavioural difficulties, depression, eating disorders, physical impairments, young carers, people with mental health difficulties and excluded young people.

  • Call:  01564 642101

What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful

What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful are a special needs Charity which offer a wide range of projects and services that run from our Malvern Support Centre, across Worcestershire and the neighbouring counties. The Charity provides a family-centered care approach, supporting parents, carers, friends, siblings and children with disabilities aged 0-19 years.

Worcestershire CAMHS Reach4Wellbeing

The Reach4Wellbeing team supports and promotes the emotional wellbeing of young people and parents of primary school age children through interactive online group programmes, using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) principles.

Each of the online sessions are evidence based and we are currently able to offer the following:

  1. A six-week anxiety and low mood programme for young people (years 7 to 13)
  2. A six week anxiety programme for parents/carers to support the emotional wellbeing needs of their children who are in reception to year 6.

Worcestershire Talking Therapies 

Worcestershire Talking Therapies Healthy Minds supports people aged 16 and over, who are experiencing difficulties such as stress, anxiety, low mood and depression. To access the service you must be aged 16 or over and registered with a GP in Worcestershire. We would encourage you to self-refer by completing the online self-referral form anytime. Alternatively you can call:  0300 013 57 27  between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Paediatric Dietetics

Paediatric Dietetics supports children up to 17.5 years of age with a Worcestershire GP, and under a Worcestershire Community Paediatrician or CAMHS, with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED).

Cranstoun Here4Youth

Here4YOUth Worcestershire is a young person’s alcohol and drug service for anyone up to the age of 18 living in Worcestershire. You don’t have to come to the service – we can meet you at home, at school, or college – wherever you feel most comfortable, and at a time that is good for you. We also offer advice, support and guidance for children, young people and family members of any age to cope with someone else’s drug or alcohol misuse.

Flannel Club

Kidderminster and District Youth Trust (KDYT)’s Flannel Club is a youth group for young people aged 13-19 who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, and those who are questioning their sexuality. Friends are welcome too. Runs on Tuesdays at the Youth House in Kidderminster. 

New Roads Parent Support Group

New Roads Parent Support Group are a group of parents and carers in Worcestershire and South Birmingham area, whose children have come out to them as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Non-binary or Gender-fluid.

Out2gether Group

Out2gether Group are a friendly, community driven group for LGBT+ adults living in and around Worcestershire. Our aim is to bring ‘Friendship, Support and Community’ for the LGBT+ community, by providing opportunities in safe spaces to meet and socialise. Our meetings are small (usually between 10 and 15 people) and friendly – we always welcome new people and encourage you to join us!

Barnardo’s Beacon Service

Barnardo’s Beacon Project works with young people from 0-19 years old across Worcestershire who have been sexually abused. We work with young people, their parents/carers and a wide range of professionals to help young people cope and recover from sexual abuse.

The Glade

If you are under 18 years of age, there is a specialist service set up specifically to work with victims of rape and sexual assault, this is called the West Midlands Paediatric Service. If you are aged 16 years or over you can contact The Glade on the 24 hour self-referral  0808 178 2058 to discuss your options.

  • West Midlands Paediatric Sexual Assault Support Service Helpline: 0800 953 4133
  • The Glade Email

WMRSASC – West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre

West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (WMRSASC), is an organisation in Herefordshire and Worcestershire that offers specialist support to the victims of rape and sexual violence. Services are free, confidential and non-judgemental and currently available to survivors who have experienced any form of rape and/or sexual violence at any time in their lives.

  • Helpline: 01905 724514 


CLIMB Children and young people (aged between 10-17yrs) at risk of being exploited or exposed to criminal activity and is a pan-West Mercia service. Individuals and gangs are threatening, grooming and forcing children and young people to work, have sex or traffic drugs. This service incorporates sports, dance, arts and music, and work with young people who are missing school or college, starting to be reported as missing, or at risk of being drawn into criminal activity.   

The Branch Project (from the West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre)

 The Branch Project is a WMRSASC support service for children and young people under 18 years, or under 24 years for those with additional needs, who are victims and/or at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). The Branch Project runs throughout Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Shropshire. Branch Project Workers are trained CSE support workers and accredited ISVAs (Independent Sexual Violence Advocates). They provide advocacy, education, intervention and one-to-one support to children and young people who are at risk of or have been a victim of CSE.

Respect Programme

The Respect programme is a therapeutic mentoring scheme providing one-to-one support sessions to young people at risk of becoming victims to crime or perpetrators. The programme provides community safety awareness sessions as part of school PHSE drop down days and bespoke classroom sessions on a number of subjects such as recognising and reporting hate crime, understanding healthy relationships/domestic abuse, the dangers of substance misuse and promoting respect and community responsibility. Sessions are delivered in a number of local schools and youth work settings across Bromsgrove and Redditch.

Email the community safety team to request a referral form

Referrals are assessed and places allocated on a half-termly basis.

Youth First

Y outh First is a specialist forensic community child and adolescent mental health service for high-risk young people with complex needs in the West Midlands region.

The team is accessible to any professional who wishes to make an initial contact regarding a young person aged under 18 who is giving cause for concern and about whom there are questions regarding his/her mental health or neurodevelopmental difficulties including learning disability and autism who:

  1. present high risk of harm towards others and about whom there is major family or professional concern, and/or 
  2. are in contact with the youth justice system, or 
  3. about whom advice about the suitability of an appropriate secure setting is being sought because of complexity of presentation and severe, recurrent self-harm and/or challenging behaviour which cannot be managed elsewhere


Footsteps is a registered charity providing support for bereaved children, young people and their families in Worcestershire following the death of a parent, sibling or other significant person in their life. We guide and support bereaved children and young people, and help them manage their grief. Footsteps provides a service totally free of charge to bereaved children and their families in Worcestershire.

  • Helpline: 0845 467 6065

Kemp Family Support and Bereavement Service

At KEMP we provide support to anyone living in the Wyre Forest who is facing or has experienced a bereavement or loss in the last 5 years. It's not just for people who have lost a loved one to a life-limiting illness, or people who have had a family member use KEMP's Day Hospice...we offer bereavement support for all circumstances.

Our services are available to children from the age of 5, young people and adults through one-to-one counselling and group support. We can see you at the hospice, in school and in some cases, we'll come to your home.

Touchstones Child Bereavement Support

Touchstones is a small, local charity with one very simple aim – to be there for any bereaved child and young person in North East Worcestershire – including Redditch, Bromsgrove, Wythall, Rubery, Hagley. We provide free one-to-one support and weekend experiences for local children and young people who have had someone that they love very much die – and we believe we can make a difference.

Touchstones continues to support children and young people throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Worcestershire Young Carers

Young carers can self-refer to the service, or can be referred by a professional. We offer a variety of services. We provide monthly youth clubs at two venues across the county. The clubs are an opportunity to switch off from caring roles, offer an opportunity to have fun, get valuable peer support and have experiences young carers wouldn’t otherwise have access to. In addition, we offer a full and varied programme of activities throughout the year. We also offer one to one support for any young carer who may be experiencing problems around their caring role.

Triple P Positive Parenting Programme

Do you have a child or children aged 2years—10years old? Do you want to manage or prevent some of the challenging behaviours that do and can occur?

Then come along and join one or more of our one-off discussion groups. Meet other parents in similar situations and get some advice, hints, tips and strategies to help make parenting children easier and less challenging. Each session is 2 hours long and is delivered digitally via Microsoft TEAMS.

Summer One-Off Sessions:

  • Tuesday 26th July: 1:30pm —3:30pm: Developing Good Bedtime Routines
  • Friday 5th August: 9:30am —11:30am: Hassle Free Shopping with Children
  • Wednesday 10th August: 10:00am —12:00pm: Dealing with Disobedience
  • Thursday 18th August: 12:00pm —2:00pm: Hassle Free Mealtimes with Children
  • Monday 22nd August: 9:30am —11:00am: Managing Fighting & Aggression

To book your place keep a look out on our Eventbrite & Facebook pages.

The Solihull Approach

The Solihull Approach online parenting courses are a series of NICE approved  resources for parents and carers who want to learn more about sensitive and effective parenting and building a positive relationship with their child. Parents are also helped to understand how they can influence their relationship with their child through play. The courses are free to access for parents, carers and grandparents of children in Worcestershire.

Paediatric Occupational Therapy

Paediatric Occupational Therapy enables children or young people to take part in daily life which is made up of many activities which they may be finding more difficult to participate in. These activities include self-care, being productive (going to nursery or school) and leisure activities like playtime.

To speak to a Paediatric Occupational Therapist please call 07562 436633 - Wednesday between 9am-12pm and Thursday between 1pm and 4pm

And take a look at their website for lots of information leaflets, videos, special educational needs information and how to be referred.

Speech and Language Therapy Service

Speech and language therapists work in partnership with children, their families and other professionals in a variety of friendly setting including;

  • Children's centres : Every centre has a named speech and language therapist, regular talking walk-in sessions and therapy groups
  • Child development centres : Speech and language therapists are part of the team
  • Schools : Every mainstream school has a named speech and language therapist who visits.

Act On It 

ActOnIt is designed to provide children and young people with the skills and techniques to better manage their own emotional wellbeing and improve their confidence and self-esteem. This will result in students who cope better with stress, anxiety and life challenges, to enable them to participate fully in life and learning.

ActOnIt is for any student in year 7 or above.

ActOnIt will support students via dedicated 1:1 appointments or group work.

Group work:

  • ‘Blues’ programmes:  Blues programme is an early-intervention evidence-based CBT programme designed to equip young people aged 13-19 with tools and techniques to help manage anxiety and depression.  The group work intervention is delivered over 6 weeks and is an interactive mix of in-session learning and home practice of cognitive reforming techniques which can help young people manage their day-to-day emotional wellbeing and reduce the risk of more intense mental health issues.
  • Bouncing Back:  Bouncing Back is an early-intervention resilience-building CBT informed programme for young people age 11–19 years old to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people.


The CAST (Consultation, Advice, Supervision and Training) team works directly with professionals who are working with young people experiencing or at risk of experiencing mental health difficulties.

CAST offers mental health specific consultation, advice, supervision and training to school staff and other professionals where a young person is not currently receiving Specialist CAMHS support. 

Every school has a named CAST worker who they can contact. In certain circumstances we are able to offer consultations on a one to one basis for individual children and young people. We are also able to offer advice regarding individual children and young people when they would like to remain anonymous and on issues involving groups of children where there is a concern.

Emotional Wellbeing Toolkit

Emotional wellbeing and mental health: a toolkit for Worcestershire maintained and independent schools, academies, short stay schools, sixth form, FE colleges and skills providers. 

Medical Education Team (MET)

Schools can refer pupils to the MET when a medical condition seriously compromises a pupil’s attendance at school.

The Medical Education Team discharges the duty of the Local Authority in ensuring that arrangements are in place for pupils who are unable to attend school because of their medical needs, to have appropriate and ongoing access to education. The Team consists of qualified teachers and teaching assistants who are skilled in teaching pupils of statutory school age with a wide range of physical, emotional and psychological health needs.

Positive Outcomes Project (POP)

The Positive Outcomes Project take referrals from the two schools that they were set up to help support (currently Blessed Edward Oldcorne in Worcester and The De Montford High School in Evesham). This work is generally 6 sessions on self-esteem/identity and building confidence. If any young people happen to attend these schools and do not fit the criteria at CAMHS, they could be recommended to the POP Team.

  • Central team number: 01905 843464 (You can contact us during office hours which are Monday to Thursday from 9.00am until 5.00pm and Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm we are closed on bank holidays.)
  • POP Email

  School Health Nursing

The School Health Nursing service offers a variety of support for Children and Young People. We provide support and guidance to schools regarding public health issues, brief interventions and health promotion such as smoking, emotional health and well-being needs. We influence and champion health promoting activities and programmes both in and out of school and work closely with other professionals and local communities.

SEND Graduated Response

SEND educational assessment and support in schools (level before EHCP needed)

The SEND Graduated Response guidance is intended to be used as a tool for schools and settings and those partner agencies working with them and has been created in collaboration with SEND professionals, parents and carers and young people.

The guidance has been designed to help ensure children and young people across the County with Special Educational Needs reach their full potential. It sets out Local Authority expectations for the ways in which all schools and settings should meet the needs of children and young people with SEND.

Wellbeing and Emotional Support Teams in Schools (WEST)

Wellbeing and emotional support teams in schools are working with a number of schools across Herefordshire and Worcestershire to tackle the challenges children and young people face when experiencing mental health difficulties. Referrals into our service are made through the mental health lead within the specific education setting. The child or young person or their parent/carer can also self-refer via the school staff, who will then discuss it with the Mental Health Lead. 

Wellbeing and emotional support teams provide support for mental health and emotional wellbeing difficulties like mild-moderate anxiety or worries, exam stress and friendship issues through low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy (LI-CBT), counselling sessions, themed group work or information workshops. 

Citizen’s Advice Bureau Worcester

Citizens Advice Worcester is an independent service providing  a freeconfidential and impartial advice and support to everybody regardless of race, age, sex, disability, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, religion and belief. We provide information/ advice on Debt, Benefits, Housing, Family, Employment, Public Law and many other general areas of advice.

  • Phone: 0808 278 7891
  • Citizen's Advice Email  

Worcestershire Children First

Worcestershire Children First is responsible for the delivery of services to children and young people across Worcestershire. We are a not-for-profit company and 100% owned by Worcestershire County Council.

Family Front Door (FFD)

The Family Front Door is the referral point for all referrals where members of the community and professionals refer children and young people living in Worcestershire where they are worried about their safety and welfare. 
01905 822666

Gypsy Roma Traveller Education

The Gypsy Roma Traveller Education Team provides education support and family advocacy to the community of Gypsy Roma Travellers, Showman families, Circus families and New Age Travellers who reside in Worcestershire. This service is provided for Worcestershire County Council by Babcock Prime.

Seek and Reach

Seek and Reach supports those young unemployed people who, for one reason or another, have found it hard to get employment or go into training. It aims to seek out, identify and move forward young people in Worcestershire aged 16 – 24 who are not in employment, education or training (NEET).

Malvern Cube

Malvern Cube Projects provides activities for young people aged 10-18. We offer free sessions which are fun and also provide something extra. Whether it’s learning something different, boosting confidence, meeting new friends, getting the scooter out or just relaxing, we have something for everyone.

Worcester Warriors Camps

Worcester Warriors community department run a series of sports camps throughout the year across the midlands that cater for all levels of experience and ability.

Herefordshire and Worcestershire SENDIASS

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND) Information Advice and Support service (SENDIASS) provides impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to children and young people with SEND.

The Herefordshire and Worcestershire SENDIASS service supports Parents/ carers of children and young people between the ages of 0-25 with SEND.


National Signposting Resources for Children, Young People and Families


Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. Childline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So you can talk to us any time. But we might not be able to talk for as long when it’s after midnight. Calls are not recorded and our number won't show up on any phone bills.

  • Helpline: 0800 1111


Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop. Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.

The Mix

A free and confidential multi-channel service, providing support to under 25s. We’ll connect you to experts and your peers who’ll give you the support and tools you need to take on any challenge you’re facing – for everything from homelessness to finding a job, from money to mental health, from break-ups to drugs.

  • Helpline: 0808 808 4994
  • Crisis text service: 85258 (text: THEMIX)


The UK's largest provider of relationship support, and last year we helped over two million people of all ages, backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities to strengthen their relationships. Includes family counselling and counselling for children and young people.

Stop Breathe Think

Free counselling by phone, text or videocall.

In November 2020, we launched Stop Breathe Think in response to the pandemic. Our unique mental health service offers free counselling sessions and support to any young person who would like to talk. 

If you are happy to start counselling, you will be allocated 6 sessions to begin with. They will last 50 minutes, and you will speak to the same counsellor every week. All sessions take place virtually either on the phone, text or via videocall. If you are struggling in between your counselling sessions, you can access our ‘wellbeing drop-in’ sessions, which are available from 9am-9pm every day. These are short 30-minute calls with the on-call counsellor.

SilverCloud (from Talking Therapies)

SilverCloud courses are designed to help you improve and maintain your wellbeing by changing the way you think and feel about things.There are several free courses to pick from including positive body image, panic, covid-19, depression, anxiety, stress and many more. All you need is access to the internet and sound on a computer, tablet or mobile. The programme is flexible so you can use it anytime, anyplace, and anywhere. 

Youth Mental Health First Aid 

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses are for everyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged 8-18. They will teach you the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need. In doing so, you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse.

Our courses won't teach you to be a therapist, but we will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis - and even potentially stop a crisis from happening. 

But more than that, we aim to give you the information and skills to look after your own mental health so that you can set an example for young people. 

KIDS is one of the leading providers of Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) which provide information, advice and support around special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The services are free, impartial, confidential and accurate. The services are for children and young people aged 0 – 25 who have or may have SEND, their parents and carers. 


Mencap is a UK charity for people with a learning disability. We support their families and carers, too.

Our no-nonsense information and resources will help you get to grips with learning disability.

Wellbeing Easy Read Guides

These guides can help you to stay well. They are available in an easy read format. You can print out some of the guides and work through them. The guides were made by the Oldham learning disability team. Any contact details on the guides may be different for you, depending where you live.

Ambitious about Autism 

The national charity for children and young people with autism. We provide education and employment services, raise awareness and understanding and campaign for change. Please note that Ambitious about Autism is not able to provide an individual advice and assistance service. Please take a look at our Understanding Autism section of the website, which provides information and signposting to relevant services. You may also wish to join our online forum Talk about Autism where you can discuss anything related to autism.


Help those supporting people with complex needs – including our members, universities, government departments, local authorities, NHS trusts, service providers and mainstream organisations - to champion rights, ensure excellent support and continually improve practice. 

Challenging Behaviour Foundation

Charity focussed specifically on children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities  whose  behaviour is described as challenging . We are making a difference to the lives of children, young people and adults across the UK by providing  information  and  support , running  workshops  and  speaking up for families on a national level .

Child Autism UK (previously called Peach)

Provide services to enable children to overcome difficulties with communication, learning and life skills and give families the techniques and strategies to cope with autism through the use of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).

  • Helpline: 01344 882248

Molehill Mountain App

Download the Molehill-Mountain app for help with managing anxiety/stress and sensory overload. Molehill Mountain is an app to help autistic people understand and self-manage anxiety. You can use Molehill Mountain to explore the causes and symptoms of anxiety.

National Autistic Society 

Provide in-depth advice and guidance on the challenges autistic people and their families face. Our contact centre of dedicated helplines is here for you and answers over 75,000 enquiries each year. We are often very busy, and will do our best to reply as quickly as we can. Please be aware that the Autism Helpline is not a crisis or emergency service.

The Girl with the Curly Hair

The Curly Hair Project is an organisation that helps people on the autistic spectrum and the people around them, founded by autistic author Alis Rowe. We use cool things like animated films, comic strips and diagrams to make our work interesting and easy to understand!

Through the Autistic Lens

In collaboration with autistic people, the Clinical Commissioning Group for Herefordshire & Worcestershire has produced a set of educational videos about sensory needs. The four videos explore the experiences of autistic people going to see their GP, explain what is meant by ‘sensory needs’, and describe simple and straightforward reasonable adjustments that can be made. 

Hector's House

The Hector’s House Crisis Messenger provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you are in crisis, you can text Hector to 85258. Trained volunteers will listen to how you’re feeling and help you think the next step towards feeling better. Our Crisis Messenger can help with urgent issues such as: suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying and relationship issues. 

  • Text: Hector to 85258


A confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.

If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can contact us for confidential support and practical advice.


Samaritans are on hand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to listen. Their number is free to call. You do not have to be suicidal to contact them. Talking helps.


SANE is for anyone affected by suicide or who'd like to know more about it - people who are or have been suicidal, family members and friends, professionals working with those who are or may be suicidal.

  • Telephone: Although our previous SANEline number cannot operate at the moment, you can leave a message on 07984 967 708 giving your first name and a contact number, and one of our professionals or senior volunteers will call you back as soon as practicable. You can also contact us, as before, through our Support Forum, Textcare and other services.
  • SANE Email Address

Young Minds

Text the YoungMinds Crisis Messenger for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis. All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors.

If you need urgent help, text shout to 85258.

Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope, launched publicly in May 2019 and we’ve had more than 1,300,000 conversations with people who are anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed and who need immediate support.

Calm Harm App 

Calm Harm is a free app that helps you manage or resist the urge to self-harm.


LifeSIGNS is the user-led small charity creating understanding about self-injury. We provide fantastic information about self-injury and while we never tell anyone to ‘stop’, we do support people as and when they choose to make changes in their lives. 

Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK is a national registered charity formed in 1970, by Katharine and Harold Fisher. Whether you have anxiety, stress, anxiety-based depression or a phobia that’s affecting your daily life, we’re here to help you. And we’re fully supported by an expert team of medical advisors.

  • Helpline: 03444 775 774
  • Text support: 07537 416 905

Clear Fear App

Clear Fear provides you with a range of ways to manage anxiety. Developed by a clinician co-collaboratively with young people, Clear Fear uses a Cognitive Behavioural framework to help you change anxious thoughts and emotions, alter anxious behaviours and calm fear responses.

Headspace App

Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. We'll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day.

Self-help App for the Mind (SAM) App

An app to help you manage down anxiety, depression and loneliness. Join our wellbeing community. SAM is a non-profit, community-backed wellbeing app to help you monitor and manage your mental health, with self-help techniques to help with anxiety, depression, loneliness and coping. SAM is informed by clinical best practice and  academic research .

Hearing Voices Collective

A small national charity whose work is mostly carried out by volunteers (including the trustees). Our aims are to: raise awareness of the diversity of voices, visions and similar experiences; challenge negative stereotypes, stigma and discrimination; help create more spaces for people of all ages and backgrounds to talk freely about voice-hearing, visions and similar sensory experiences and raise awareness of a range of different ways to manage distressing, confusing or difficult voices.

Voice Collective

Voice Collective is a UK-wide project set up to support children and young people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory experiences. We work in partnership with young people and youth organisations to improve the quality of information, advice and support available out there.

ADHD Foundation

The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity is an integrated health and education service offering a unique lifespan – strength based service, for the 1 in 5 people who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Tourette’s syndrome.

ADDISS — The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service

Providing people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to anyone who needs assistance - parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals. Whatever you're looking for in ADHD, we'll do our best to help.


Our national Helpline exists to encourage and empower people with eating disorders to get help quickly, because we know the sooner someone starts treatment, the greater their chance of recovery. People can contact us online or by phone 365 days a year. We listen to them, help them to understand the illness, and support them to take positive steps towards recovery. We also support family and friends, equipping them with essential skills and advice, so they can help their loved ones recover whilst also looking after their own mental health.

  • Helpline: 0808 801 0677
  • Studentline: 0808 801 0811
  • Youthline: 0808 801 0711
  • Online chat

Dove Self-Confidence Kit — a guide for a positive body image

A PDF guide for building body confidence in parents/carers and role modelling this to the young people in their life.

The Confidence Kit has been written by experts and designed for adults who want to help a special child in their life develop body confidence. So, whether you’re a parent, grandparent, caregiver, mentor, aunt, uncle, or trusted older friend, this kit is for you!

No Panic is a registered charity that helps and supports those living with Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders.


We provide advice, information, and support services for those affected by OCD, and campaign to end the trivialisation and stigma of OCD.

  • Helpline: 01332 588112 (may be charged)

OCD Youth 

OCD Youth aims to increase awareness and access to support for anyone under 25 affected by OCD. OCD Youth is run *by* young people with OCD, *for* young people with OCD. We organise trips and outings, run online meet-ups, take part in campaigning activities, manage a youth website and social media channels, write articles and awareness resources, produce videos and media, and much more.

Tourette's Action

Tourettes Action works in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is the leading support and research charity for people who experience tics and Tourettes syndrome and their families. We want people with TS to receive the practical support and social acceptance they need to help them live their lives to the full.

Their website provides access to information about tics, how to manage them, and how to find support. The organisation also provides a Live Chat through their website and a helpdesk that can be contacted by e-mail. The members area on the website also provides details for therapists who provide behavioural therapy for managing tics. Registering to become a member is free. 

The Tourette’s Action Helpdesk provides confidential and impartial support to those living with Tourette Syndrome (TS), their friends and family plus anyone else needing information such as teachers and employers.

One evidence based approach to working with tics is the Comprehensive Behavioural Intervention for Tics (CBIT). Dr. Douglas Woods has made several talks freely available on YouTube that demonstrate the intervention and share the current understanding on what causes tics. The Tourettes Action website also holds a database of professionals who offer CBIT privately here in the UK.

 A helpful book for family’s and professionals has been produced by Utom Chowdury and Tara Murphy titled “Tic Disorders: A Guide for Parents and Professionals.


Find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. Talk to Frank for facts, support and advice on drugs and alcohol today. Calls from a mobile phone vary in cost depending on what network you’re on. The call may show up on the bill.

  • Telephone: 0300 123 6600
  • Text a question to 82111 and FRANK will text you back


Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking.

  • Telephone: 0800 358 3456


Advice on underage drinking — how to talk to children and teens about alcohol and make sure that they know the risks

Advice on drugs — how to talk to children and teens about drugs and make sure that they know the risks 


FFLAG is a national voluntary organisation and registered charity. We are dedicated to supporting parents and families and their LGBT+ members.We offer support to local parents groups and contacts in their efforts to help parents and families understand, accept and support their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members with love and pride.

  • Telephone: 0300 688 0368 (Wednesday-Saturday 10am-8pm)


Galop provides advocacy and casework support for LGBT+ people who have experience abuse and violence. Advocates and caseworkers work with clients, based on what each individual person needs. Our advocacy service specialises in supporting LGBT+ victims and survivors of domestic abuse, hate crime, sexual violence, and other forms of abuse including honour-based violence, forced marriage, and so-called conversion therapies. We are a service run by LGBT+ people, for LGBT+ people, and the needs of our community are at the centre of what we do.

  • LGBT+ Hate Crime Helpline: 020 7704 2040
  • LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 999 5428
  • Galop Email Address

Mindout Services 

MindOut is a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer people. We work to improve the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ communities and to make mental health a community concern.

Mindline Trans+

Mindline Trans+ is an emotional and mental health support helpline for anyone identifying as transgender, non-binary or genderfluid. We are also here to support family members, friends, colleagues and carers. Mindline Trans+ provides a safe place to talk about your feelings confidentially.

  • Helpline: 0300 330 5468 (Mondays and Fridays 8pm-midnight)

The Proud Trust

The Proud Trust is a lifesaving and life enhancing organisation that helps LGBT+ young people empower themselves, to make a positive change for themselves, and their communities. We do this through youth groups, coordinating national and regional LGBT+ youth work networks, delivering of training, running events and campaigns, undertaking research and creating resources.

NHS Information Page — Sexual Assault

NHS signposting page to support services after rape/sexual assault. Includes information about sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) which offer a range of services, including crisis care, medical and forensic examinations, emergency contraception and testing for STIs.

The Cedar Tree (covers Worcestershire)

The Cedar Tree provides free, confidential support to anyone who has experienced loss through a miscarriage or stillbirth, who is struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, after an abortion, after a medical termination for abnormality, with a loss following IVF to women and men of all ages.


CRUSH is a structured group for young people, aged 13-19 that are affected by ANY form of domestic abuse whether it is witnessed, experienced or perpetrated and is suitable for both young men and young women. The purpose of this group is to expand their understanding of unhealthy relationships, the impact of abuse and gender-based bullying.


Freedom Programme is a domestic violence programme which was created by Pat Craven who holds the copyright (all rights reserved) and evolved from her work with perpetrators of domestic violence. We provide information, not therapy. The Freedom Programme examines the roles played by attitudes and beliefs on the actions of abusive men and the responses of victims and survivors. The aim is to help them to make sense of and understand what has happened to them, instead of the whole experience just feeling like a horrible mess. The Freedom Programme also describes in detail how children are affected by being exposed to this kind of abuse and very importantly how their lives are improved when the abuse is removed. The programme usually lasts for 11 or 12 weeks and is FREE. It provided by hundreds of agencies across the UK. Some of them are rolling so women can join at any time but this varies according to local needs, etc.

Men's Advice Line

Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for male victims of domestic abuse. We offer advice and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help keep them (and their children) safe.


On any given day Refuge supports more than 6,000 clients, helping them rebuild their lives and overcome many different forms of violence and abuse; for example domestic violence, sexual violence, so-called ‘honour’-based violence, human trafficking and modern slavery, and female genital mutilation.

  • 24-hour Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Women's Aid

Information and support for women and children experiencing domestic abuse, including a directory of local services. We work to ensure women are believed, know abuse is not their fault and that their experiences have been understood.

  • 24-hour Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (run by Refuge)

National Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service (NCATS)

NCATS is a national service that offers assessment, treatment, consultation and training for and about children and young people who have sexually abused others.

Purple Leaf

Purple Leaf provide advice, risk assessment and interventions for children and young people (aged five to eighteen) who have exhibited or are at risk of exhibiting harmful sexual behaviour.

  • Worcestershire Helpline: 01905 724514
  • Herefordshire Helpline: 01432 344777
  • General Enquiries: 01905 611655

Stop It Now

If you’re worried about a child’s sexual behaviour, offline or online, then speak to the experienced advisors on our confidential helpline. You don’t have to give identifying information and can stay anonymous. 

  • Helpline: 0808 1000 900

Action for Children

Action for Children protects and supports children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support, ensuring their voices are heard, and campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives. We help through:

  • Placements, apprenticeships and skills workshops.
  • Protecting young people from organised crime.
  • Offering support in court or custody
  • Stepping in to stop young people becoming homeless.

Helpline: 0300 123 2112 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)

Action for Children Email Address

Centre Point

Provides advice, housing and support for young people aged 16–25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in England.

  • Helpline: 0808 800 0661 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) 

The Foyer Federation

The Foyer was designed to be an alternative approach to a hostel, using a ‘something-for-something’ deal to integrate housing, education, training, employment and health support with personal development for young people aged 16 – 30 who could not live at home. We co-create and deliver programmes, events, resources, training and accreditation alongside young people, youth services and our community of Foyers.

Anti Bullying Alliance

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying.


Our vision is for all children to grow up in supportive communities safe from bullying and harm.​ Our mission is to provide practical support, training, and advice to challenge bullying and protect young lives.

Our Parent Advice line offers friendly, impartial, non-judgemental information, advice and support to parents, carers, family members or professionals who are concerned about a child  - either because they are being bullied, or because they may be involved in bullying others. Bullying can happen anywhere - inside and outside of school, in the community, in the home, and online. Monday-Tuesday 9.30am - 2.30pm

Family Lives

Family Lives offers a confidential helpline service for families in England and Wales (previously known as Parentline). Please call us for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life.

Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK helps children, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We support children and young people up to the age of 25 who are facing bereavement, and anyone affected by the death of a child of any age. We provide confidential support, information and guidance to families and professionals. Our Helpline team is available to take calls and respond to emails and Live Chat via our website, 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.

Cruse Bereavement

The Cruse Bereavement Care Freephone National Helpline is staffed by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by bereavement. We’ll give you space to talk about your bereavement and how you’ve been coping.

Hope Again is the youth website of  Cruse Bereavement Support . It is a safe place where you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone.

Help 2 Make Sense

Help 2 Make Sense is an online tool brought to you by Winston’s Wish, a charity supporting bereaved children and young people. It aims to help young people who have experienced the death of a loved one come to terms with their loss. You’ll also find advice and tips on coping with your grief, resources and reading lists to help you come to terms with the death of someone close to you.


Sudden is an early intervention service providing emotional and practical support in the first ten weeks following an unexpected bereavement. We help if someone you love (usually a family member or partner) has died in a way that you consider sudden or shocking. 

Winston's Wish

We support children and young people after the death of a parent or sibling. Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and those who care for them. We are open between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

The Support After Suicide Partnership

We bring together suicide bereavement organisations and people with lived experience, to achieve a vision that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support.


We can give advice over the phone on your child’s specific sleep problem. Our sleep guide, cards and other resources are packed full of information and advice that could help you get a good night’s sleep.

Sleep Foundation

A t you’ll find comprehensive health information drawn from high-quality sources and reviewed by experts in the field. Our goal is to create dependable resources to help you take charge of your health and get the sleep you need and deserve.

Young Sibs

The UK charity for brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults.

Send a question via the website

Children's Commissioner — A Guide for Parents

A guide for parents about talking to their child about online sexual harassment.

Internet Matters

We’re a not-for-profit organisation that has a simple purpose – to empower parents and carers to keep children safe in the digital world. Internet Matters helps parents keep their children safe online with age-specific tips and advice. Simple, practical and easy advice on the steps you can take as a parent to keep them as safe as possible.

Think U Know

Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Explore Thinkuknow websites for advice about staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer for different age groups.

Every Mind Matters

This NHS website includes information for parents and carers of a child with mental health difficulties. Includes: top tips to support children and young people; signs something is wrong and tips for looking after your own mental health.



We provide information to help single parents support themselves and their family and we campaign and influence policy to reduce stigma against single parents, and make services more accessible to all families – whatever their shape or size. Whether you’re experiencing separation or bereavement, sorting out work or arranging childcare, our information can help. Our online advice is here to help you make confident choices about your family’s future.

  • Helpline: 0808 802 0925 

Cerebal Palsy Foundation

We have designed CP Resource around the concept of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) system addressing human functioning, providing a standard language and framework that describes how people with a health condition function in their daily lives, rather than focusing on a labeled diagnosis or the presence or absence of disease. The ICF model considers the dynamics between a person’s health condition and environmental and personal factors which we think is a helpful and real world way to look at things.

Action on Pain

Providing support and advice for people affected by chronic pain. 

  • Helpline: 01553 828926 


Our mission is to help children and young people become more emotionally resilient and better placed to engage with life and learning. We do this through our whole-school approach to wellbeing - proven to improve attendance, behaviour and attainment. Our vision is to: provide high-quality, evidence-based training backed by research ; r aise awareness of the importance of supporting children and young people's social and emotional development; and build knowledge of social and emotional development in schools and settings to improve understanding of emotional health and mental wellbeing.

Bestie CAMHS App 

BESTIE is an online resource and app designed by young people, CAMHS clinicians and IT experts to help young people and their families better manage their mental health needs. The different information hubs provide a wealth of resources for young people that have been approved by clinicians. The app includes an interactive tool that young people can use to track such things as their mood and goals that they have set.

CAMHS Resources

A goldmine of Mental Health resources specifically for young people created by a Lichfield CAMHS Consultant Psychiatrist.

Child Mind Institute

Find information to help you support children who are struggling with mental health, behavior or learning challenges.

Childline Toolbox

Childline’s toolbox for emotional regulation for younger children. 

Get Self Help

This website provides CBT self help and therapy resources. 

Guided Relaxation Techniques

Audio files of relaxation techniques that can help relieve stress and gain a sense of wellbeing.

Help Guide

HelpGuide’s mission is to empower people with the information and insight they need to improve their mental health and make healthy changes.

NHS Self Help Mental Health Leaflets


Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially.


Our Employment Training and Skills (ETS) courses provide young people with skills and qualifications they can build on and develop throughout their working life. In partnership with employers, schools, colleges and charities, we train and support over 3,000 young people every year through 20 specialist services. We provide courses, support and careers advice, whether you're interested in construction qualifications or a hairdressing apprenticeship.

Find out more by contacting

CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service)

Cafcass represents children in family court cases in England. We independently advice the family courts about what is safe for children and in their best interests. We put their needs, wishes and feelings first, making sure that children's voices are hearf at the hear of the family court setting. Operating within the law set by PArlimanet (Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000) and under the rules and directions of familu courts, we are independent of the courts, social services, education and health authorities and all similar agencies. 

Our duty is to safeguard and promote the welfare of children going through the family justice system, supporting over 140,000 children every year by understanding their experiences and speaking up for them when the family court makes critical decisions about their futures.

  • Cafcass call centre number: 0300 456 4000

Orchard House

It is part of Orchard House's statement of purpose that, wherever it is possible to make it safe, children should be cared for by their parents at home. We are asked by the Court to help them decide whether a child is safe to live with their parents at home in the future, and what support they might need to make this ok. Orchard House are not social services. We are often asked to get involved with families because we are independent. We are a team of people, mostly social workers and psychologists, who work to help children and their families. Sometimes this is by offering groups, help, and support. Sometimes this is by spending time with families, getting to know them, and then writing this up so that professionals, or the Family Court, can make the best and safest decision for the child.


Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (known as IPSEA) is a registered charity (number 327691) operating in England. IPSEA offers free and independent legally based  information, advice and support  to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 

IPSEA has a suite of free downloadable guides, resources and template letters available to parents and carers. These guides are complemented by a free Advice Line  and Call-in Helpline which provide legally based information and next step advice on any educational issue that is a result of a child's SEND. IPSEA s Tribunal Helpline  gives next step advice on appeals and disability discrimination claims to the SEND Tribunal and is also the gateway to our Tribunal Support Service  where a referral can be made for more extensive casework support from a volunteer, including representation at the hearing. Our advice services are delivered by a national network of around 100 highly-trained volunteers, supervised and supported by IPSEA s Legal Team members.

Contact a family

Contact a family are here for families wherever they live in the UK, and whenever they need us. Our website has advice and information  about concerns a family might have about raising a child with additional needs. 

We run a free helpline and offer a Listening Ear support service. We produce  a range of email newsletters and parent guides available to download or order. The helpline is for parents and carers in any part of the UK with a disabled child aged from birth to 25.

  • Freephone: 0808 808 3555 (Monday-Friday, 9.30am-5pm)


Autistica are the UK’s leading autism research and campaigning charity. Their mission is to create breakthroughs that enable all autistic people to live happier, healthier, longer lives. They do this by funding research, shaping policy and working with autistic people to make more of a difference.

Their website includes information about autism, access to previous and upcoming webinars, common difficulties autistic people face, and information on how to get involved in autism research.


Adjust's mission is to start the Neurodiversity conversation in every workplace. We will raise the profile of Neurodiversity across your organisation with clear, practical and positive training & consultancy. We work globally to start the neurodiversity conversation in the workplace. We offer all of our services either face to face or virtually. We can help your workplace start the Neurodiversity conversation. Through our training and consultancy services we can raise the profile of Neurodiversity across your organisation.

  • Postal address: 20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU
  • Phone number: 0208 719 0067
  • Adjust Email

ADHD Embrace

ADHD Embrace videos are webinars given by experts in their field. Impartial, specialist advice that will help your family deal with the challenges and questions of ADHD. A small fee is charged to help our charity to continue to provide services to those in need.

Movement Matters

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), also known as Dyspraxia in the UK, is a common disorder affecting motor coordination in 5-6% of children, of which the vast majority continue to experience some level of associated difficulties in adulthood. Movement Matters is focused on promoting the existence of DCD/Dyspraxia, providing guidance on its assessment and management to families, carers, educators, clinicians and employers as well as informing policy.

The Dyspraxia Foundation

The Dyspraxia Foundation is a countrywide charity, founded in 1987 as the Dyspraxia Trust by two mothers who met at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children. 

Today the Foundation answers approximately 10,000 enquiries and distributes more than 20,000 leaflets about the condition, annually. The Foundation seeks every opportunity to increase understanding of Dyspraxia, particularly among professionals in health and education and encourages its local groups to do the same. It continues to encourage the smaller local groups to thrive and develop their own ideas and distribute information and fundraise for themselves.

The Dyspraxia Foundation is committed to making the teaching and medical professions more aware of dyspraxia, and to spreading understanding of how those who have the condition can be helped.

National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

The National Organisation for FASD provides support to people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), their families and communities; campaigns to raise public awareness; and promotes relevant policies and practices.

On the NationalFASD website you can find information about the condition, how it is diagnosed, links to other FASD organisations, and helpful guidance on the support people with the condition are entitled to and how to access it. The organisation also runs a helpline.

  • Helpline: 0208 458 5951

Selective Mutism Information & Research Association (SMiRA)

SMIRA became a UK Registered Charity in 1992, having been set up initially to support families with selectively mute children. This work has since been extended to provide information to health and education professionals involved in the upbringing of such children and young people.

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

If your child has a health or developmental condition that is impacting on their everyday life, this is often referred to as an additional need. This may have been present from birth or these may have become more obvious as your child has grown up.

Your child's additional needs could be developmental, physical, learning, behavioural or sensory. Their needs might be easily met with a regular plan of care or a creative approach to their management. Some additional needs may continue throughout life and as a family there will be times you may require support from a number of services.

All children should have access to the right services, at the right time, to make sure they can reach their full potential. We work together with other agencies to ensure that the right professionals are involved at the right time to meet the needs of you and your child.

As an NHS organisation we have a duty to notify the Local Authority if we become aware a child or young person may have a special educational need.

Health organisations have responsibilities to work in partnership with education settings and local authorities, to support children and young people 0-25 years who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

To better support children and young people with SEND, their parents, carers and families, all local authorities have developed a Local Offer. The Local Offer brings together useful information across education, health and social care. It details information, advice and guidance and a range of local service providers who support children and young people with SEND, including our services provided by the Trust.

To find out more about our Local Offer’s, visit the Worcestershire County Council SEND Local Offer and the Herefordshire County Council SEND Local Offer webpages.

Further information and resources